
In Shandong丨筑梦奥运的山东力量

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In Shandong丨筑梦奥运的山东力量

发布日期:2025-01-04 11:36    点击次数:58

  100年前的巴黎奥运会,报名册上首次出现了4个中国人的名字,但他们未能站在当时的开幕式上。  100 years ago at the Paris Olympics, our Chinese athletes' names appeared on the registration list for the first time,though they did not show up at the opening ceremony.  100年后的巴黎奥运会,中国派出405名运动员的代表团。其中,有40余名山东籍运动员。同时,山东体育人和企业都为这场运动盛会贡献了力量、智慧和方案。  Now, at the Paris Olympics a century later, China has sent a delegation of 405 athletes. Among them, there are more than 40 athletes from Shandong province. Meanwhile, Shandong's sports professionals and enterprises have contributed strength, wisdom, and solutions to this grand sporting event.  矢志不渝 齐鲁健儿家国情怀浓厚  Resolute Determination: Strong Patriotism of Shandong Athletes  山东竞技体育有着浓厚的民族情怀。齐鲁健儿奋力拼搏、勇于争先,在国内外赛场上,矢志不渝。每一轮长达四年以上的竞技周期,山东广大运动员基本全年无休,坚持刻苦训练,不断超越自我。在2020年东京奥运会创造7金1银3铜的历史最佳战绩后,山东健儿们又将在本届奥运会上创造出怎样的奇迹?  Shandong's competitive sports are imbued with strong national sentiments.The athletes strove hard and dared to excel on both domestic and international stages with unwavering determination.Throughout the long four-year competitive cycles, most Shandong athletes have trained tirelessly all year round, constantly surpassing themselves. After achieving a historic best of 7 gold, 1 silver, and 3 bronze medals at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, what miracles will Shandong's athletes create at this Olympics?  持续发力 山东企业护航奥运  Sustained Efforts: Shandong Enterprises Support the Olympics  此次巴黎奥运会,来自山东德州的泰山体育为竞技自行车运动员设计了瑞豹碳纤维自行车,还为摔跤、柔道、铁人三项、拳击、跆拳道、体操等正赛和资格赛,提供了十几项安全可靠并充满科技智慧的体育器材;拥有五十多年历史的山东金号家纺集团,为国家队队员们提供了运动毛巾、浴巾、四件套床品等纯棉家纺产品。  At 2024 Paris Olympics, Taishan Sports from Dezhou, Shandong, has designed the Pardus carbon fiber bicycles for cycling athletes. They have also provided over a dozen safe, reliable, and technologically advanced sports equipment for wrestling, judo, triathlon, boxing, taekwondo, gymnastics, and other events. Shandong Kingshore Home Textile Group, with more than 50 years of history, has supplied national team athletes with pure cotton home textiles including sports towels, bath towels, and bedding sets.  固本培元 组合拳做强竞技体育  Strengthening Foundations: A Combination of Strategies to Enhance Competitive Sports  为做大做强竞技体育,山东建立了全国第一所教练员学院,打造金牌教练团队,提高科学训练水平;打造了全国一流的科技服务平台和运动康复平台,为运动员提供了强有力的科技医疗保障;积极推进市、县级体校办学改革,重视后备人才培养,山东保持了“市市有体校、县县有体校”的发展格局,截至2023年,创建国家级后备人才基地35个,在训青少年运动员4.8万人,均居全国第一位。  To strengthen competitive sports, Shandong has established the nation's first coaching academy, forming a team of gold-medal coaches to enhance scientific training standards. The province has also created a first-class technology service platform and sports rehabilitation platform, ensuring strong technological and medical support for athletes.By actively promoting reforms in municipal and county-level sports schools and focusing on the cultivation of reserve talents, Shandong has maintained a development pattern of "having sports schools in every city and county". By 2023, Shandong had established 35 national-level reserve talent bases and had 48,000 youth athletes in training, ranking first nationwide.  从1984年中国代表团重返奥运大家庭,到2024年巴黎之旅箭在弦上,40年的奥运征程中,山东健儿的身影从来不曾缺席,越来越多的山东“智”造产品为中国健儿硬核护航。塞纳河畔,让我们期待这些生机勃勃的山东力量!  From the Chinese delegation's return to the Olympic family in 1984 to the imminent journey to Paris in 2024, Shandong's athletes have never been absent from the Olympic stage. Increasingly, Shandong-made products are providing robust support for Chinese athletes. Along the Seine River, let us look forward to the vibrant power of Shandong!  无限工作出品  视频:周溪琳  文案:武玮佳 刘明婕(实习编辑)  翻译、配音:武玮佳  (部分素材来源:中国日报 中国奥林匹克委员会 中国体育报 山东省体育局 大众日报 山东广电 海报新闻)


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